Our Awesome Sponsors!
Helping to keep the club Alive!
Coastal Pavers are Adelaide Suppliers and Manufacturers of Concrete Pavers, Bullnose Steps, Concrete Slabs, Car / Wheel Stops and decorative capping.
Coastal Pavers is a locally owned and operated business that has a trusted reputation in manufacturing competitively priced high quality South Australian Concrete Pavers and concrete products.
Phone : (08) 8322 8333
Web : http://www.coastalpavers.com.au
Email : info@coastalpavers.com.au

Sponsorship is important to the club as it allows us to:
- Maintain, update and improve club facilities.
- Host community events.
- Provide ongoing education and training of members and non-members alike.
By becoming a club sponsor, you will be helping to create a safer and more aware community and get a printed certificate to display on the wall and warm fuzzy feeling, knowing that you are supporting a local sporting club and score a little bit of free advertising for your business as a bonus.
Sponsorship costs are set at $500 per square, per annum and can be purchased by using the either the “Sign Me Up Button” in a sponsorship section or via the “Sponsorship Information or Request” form.
The Webmaster will contact you directly to organize and “Tailor Make” your “Sponsorship Tile”.